Category Archives: Parish Registers

Were your ancestors born in 1914?

Happy New Year and welcome to the brand new East Trent Genealogy blog!

In accordance with our privacy policy, the East Trent Genealogy database has been updated and the parish register entries for those people known or assumed to have been born in 1914 are now available – there are 33 baptisms, 41 burials and 21 marriages. A little under 100 records in total, but do give it a go; they may just include the information you’re looking for. Try searching using the links in the Parish Resources section of the East Trent Genealogy main menu.

East Trent villages map

East Trent villages map

What have we got in store for 2015? Transcriptions of the electoral registers for the East Trent area are well under way and will hopefully be available on the website later this year. It’s proving to be a massive task, but very interesting. More about that in a later post…..

The map on the right shows the area of Nottinghamshire covered by the East Trent Genealogy database of historical records, so if you have ancestors who lived in Besthorpe, Broadholme, North & South Clifton, North & South Collingham, Girton, Harby, Holme, Langford, Meering, South Scarle, Spalford, Thorney, Wigsley or Winthorpe, you might find something that’ll help you in your research – quite a few people have so far!